Greetings virgin bouncers!

The origins behind the daily bounce..... I started to send a select few friends a song a day (missing a few days out due to being a human with a lazy gene). This evolved in a darwinistic style and became the daily bounce. These friends now chip in from time to time and raise songs to trump my previous bounce...I had to take it one step further and reclaim the bounce as my own...So I sailed the seedy seas of the internet and developed this blog.

This is where I can showcase old and new songs that I love, and typically 'bounce' to....enjoy...

Thursday 19 January 2012

Sunless '97 Heaven Below

Stumbled across Sunless '97 today. Loving the purposely shabby production on their tracks. So many wrongs in this, make it perfectly right. Massively soundscapey, dreamy and unique. Whispery vocals that sit on every 'S' like a student protest and bumbling background haze that gives the song meat.

Haaaaa, everything I've just written there will make no sense to anyone reading it. So in which case, I suggest you just listen to the track and ignore my bollocks.




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